day by day


Ghosted fashion, sunglasses
of a darker mist,
and a bridge to be traversed,
although arrivals on the further shore
are never the ones who left.

For her, no warm embraces,
no distant tears;
without a moment’s regretful hesitation
she begins her journey.

The river far below is flowing russet, jetsam waves,
and tiny stars above are
little suns that can’t grow up, afterimages of
a universe long lost, afloat in panoramic darkness.

She purchases refreshment at a lemonade stand,
and later at a crossroads meets
seven directions spinning on a compass
with marginal gravitation and bubble headed
astronauts who rise and fall.

Around a corner, a traveler’s inn—
a swinging sign, the hotel blue, and a lantern
marked with geodesics
that hangs above the door.

She’ll stop and rest, she thinks,
if the tariff is not unreasonable.


In a space-time twist, the hotel hides a universe,
a solar system planeted in a copacetic zone.

The traveler becomes less tenuous, more cellular,
carbon-based, a life form evolved
to go to school, with chromosomes to laugh and cry,
lovers, family, a fiancé,
and all their helical threads,
doubled and invisible,
form a web that binds her to a world in blue.

The undiluted truth, its cold
and lonely math, is lost.

But now and then, on nights
when distant thunder tears the canvas sky,
she recalls a bridge
and a hyphenated journey still in store.

dna; the Goldilocks zone; a dash of plagiarism, the Eagles (1976) Hotel California.

statistical fish

14 thoughts on “day by day

  1. Wow. This is one of the best pieces of wordsmithing I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a very long time. Your words are razor sharp. Your structure is damn near perfect. I am in awe.

    • You’ve hit the nail spot on. I haven’t had a great week and almost didn’t write anything. But I’m glad it happened, even though it’s fantasy and you might say it’s irrelevant to cold hard life. Thing is it’s human to dream of the fantastic, and for me, being human is already a kind of magic–what our senses (including the mind sense, since I’m part-time Buddhist) touch and imagine in the world all around us.

    • Lucky you. Thanks, just the way things are with time and people and the universe. *Thinks* maybe I can blame the universe for my laziness. Her journey was probably going to end badly anyway, and the earth isn’t too bad at times 😉 .

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