
Steve Simpson lives in Sydney, and he’s never been able to work out exactly what he does, although he would probably feed the cat if he had one. His poems and stories have appeared in various magazines and anthologies, and he’s signed with Meerkat Press to produce a two-volume set in early 2022: poetry and short stories, both with artworks.

In the visual arts, works created with his image evolution software have been shown at several exhibitions, and he recently developed a unique system for generating art from mental states via EEG (brainwaves).

In the sciences, he’s published over 200 research papers, most recently in clinical neurology, and awards include the Peter Doherty Innovation Prize, for WeldPrint™, technology to make vehicles safer.  A monograph, “Physics without Butterflies,” is hidden in the mists of the future, and he likes wood ducks, doesn’t everyone? In the ether underworld, he sometimes calls himself @inconstantlight.

1 June 2021

60 thoughts on “simpson

  1. I’ve nominated you for the bloggers Liebster Award as I really enjoy your blog. I hope you don’t mind. You will find the details on the Liebster Award post on my Poems Set Free site if you want to participate. Mairi

    • Thanks so much, I’ll have a look. I don’t mind, it’s great. As long as it’s not something like The Biggest Fool on the Internet Award. Not that I was nominated for that. It’s just an example.

    • Hope not either, or I’ve just been awarded it ha ha. No pressure Steve, it’s just a chain thing that was started at some point to help newish blogs. Just do it if you feel like it. I wasn’t going to do it, but I quite enjoyed the process as I normally write short poems. I love the imagination you put into your poems and photos.

  2. Thanks for your visits to my blog and for leaving the breadcrumbs to yours. I have explored a bit and now must contemplate your question about why writing has to make sense if life doesn’t. I wonder if wood ducks have the answer.

    • Thanks. I’ll let the wood ducks know. I haven’t found a bill shaped keyboard yet so they mostly dictate and I type. They like your photos, and they have pretty good taste.

  3. So when someone likes a post and they’ve never been here before, you go and have a look. If you like what you see you hit the ‘follow’ button because that way the other person is obliged to hit your ‘follow’ button. But sometimes you are obliged to hit ‘follow’. And that is when the person loves wood ducks. You have no choice. It is a given. Therefore I will now follow.

    • It is nice to meet you Steve, thanks for the follow and the likes, your intro here made me and my entire third interstitial nucleus of my anterior hypothalamus just go all glowy. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. Even though I like them, I will not mention the wood ducks (oops, does that count?)

    • My pleasure, Lona, your writing appeals, as does your amazingly precise understanding of your own mind. Sorry for the delay in responding, I work in WordPress time warp these days.

      It’s fine to name the wood ducks, or any woodland creature, or even Pinocchio. In fact, for consistency in the comment universe, I should mention that they were taken by aliens. They wanted to go, and I wasn’t sorry to see them leave. Although it was convenient to use them as scape ducks, their tiny teeth were never fun.

  4. I love wooden ducks! I often mistake them for the real decoy — I mean McCoy. Your site looks lovingly irreverent; I’ll lok forward to reading it.

  5. Love this. The description. The banter. And, naturally, ducks. Ugh, time, time is what we need more of, wish I could spend half the day on here…and as I was just suggesting to a friend the other day that I thought he should be working on a time machine, I consider it quite a blessing to “stumble” here 🙂 And thanks so much for the like on one of my posts. I really appreciate it.

    • You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed. For me, time is what people and your lovely impermanent roses are made of :).

      I do have to confess something. Everything is true, but the time machine bit is a little misleading because they’re actually computer simulations at this stage.

    • What a wonderful comment about time!
      haha no need to confess…I suspected…I mean, I don’t recall anything in the media about such breakthroughs and it’s only legit when that happens, right? but hey, you are still miles ahead of my friend. You are absolved. 🙂

  6. Steve, don’t get too perturbed, but I have nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger’s Award. Not something I’m normally interested in really, but I was nominated by someone I really admire, and I wanted to recognize your wonderful work. Completely understand if you can’t be involved. Just about to post about it. Hope all’s well in your world. Vanessa

  7. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and posting a ‘Like’ on my poem about losing my dog.
    I love poetry and like your poems, so that’s a plus all round. I’ve thought a lot about posting my poetry online, but have been hesitant. Great to see that so many people, like you, do.
    Working on publishing my first poetry book, which I hope to have out by the mid Feb.
    Anyway, thanks again,
    Love & Light

    • Thanks so much , Sandra. Yes, I enjoyed your piece and great your publishing a collection.

      I enjoy writing and I send stuff to publishers and post online because I’d like others to get something out of it. When I sell the rights to short stories to publishers in my genre, I know the publishers liked it 🙂 and I imagine people read it but I don’t get much feedback.

      On the other hand, with the poetry on-line I do get feedback (like yours). Also there’s a very wide range of poetry out there, mine is a little unusual 🙂 and posting on-line I think your audience tends to select itself.

      I wish you success whatever you decide, Steve

  8. Hi Steve, thanks for visiting and liking my posts :). I’m enjoying browsing your work and the creativity you put into it.

    While I am fond of wood ducks, I must confess I’m rather distracted by paddling rivers and lakes and watching the not-so-wooden fowl on them. I hope the ducks aren’t offended. – KJ

    • Truly my pleasure KJ. Your work is a great antidote for my apocalyptic tendencies. 🤖

      Who cares what the ducks think? I used to like them, but they’re basically freeloaders who came to live with me because of the pollution in George’s River. And now I’ve discovered that they have tiny teeth (they’ve nipped me a few times when I didn’t serve their drinks quickly enough 🍷), I’m starting to wonder whether they’re some other species entirely. Possibly extraterrestrial.

    • Ha well I guess that means you need to either learn to fix their drinks more quickly, or give them access to the cabinet.

      Thank you for the compliment. What better time to focus on the joy and hope that’s available than when apocalyptic tendencies make an appearance? The bitter sweetens the sweet.

    • My plez Kaye, and I like your light and chiaroscuro mix. I try not to be too dark. In the case of an apocalypse, I prefer to have the odd survivor. 😸

    • Thanks, and my pleasure. I enjoy your work, coming from the heart and eloquent ways of turning ideas. And I apologize that it isn’t still the weekend 😃, I’m always running behind the days…

    • Thank you. Once I used to try to keep them out of the house, because they would stand on each other’s heads and get things out of the cupboards. Now I let them do whatever they like, as long as they use their own identities and passwords on social media.

  9. Steve, I think the ducks are stealing your show. Tell them to get their own poetry out there before they compete for your audience.

    Lovely to visit ‘about you’. Don’t know why I haven’t before.

    • I will pass your gratitude on to the ducks, Frank. They already have my show. In fact I should probably rename that page “ducks.” Actually I just had a look– it’s kind of an historical archive. I’ve been blogging too long.

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