selfies on parade


The Selfie Exhibition will run at the tenfortyseven creative space in Sydney from May 11 to May 26 (details below). I am interluding from the fênix serial with some selfie portraiture, old and new.

sky blue air

I seek a sunlit place where I might breathe again.
It lies beyond the end of my imagination,
and before the incomprehensible begins.

soft machine

I wore the clothes she gave me,
I did my best and worst.
By reflection and refraction,
I hid within the whisper light.

mother’s advice

If you sleep inside a fridge, you must not close the door;
soft machines must walk the path beside the sea.

understanding science

Semiconductor junctions in the forest path,
abhorrent vacuums, cathodic rays,
while the sun hides nuclear fusion angels.


the queen of science

My first and ever true, from zero
and the slightly rational to beyond,
in the court of mathematics
where you were the sweetest
algebraic illusion.

When you left, I didn’t tell you.
My goodbye was a silent integration
on a pulsing cardioid, a regression to infinity,
and now I only have my pride, my solitude,
and my C++ compiler.


  • selfie exhibition at tenfortyseven creative space in Sydney, 1047 Botany Road, Mascot, from May 11 to May 26; opens Sat May 11 2-5 pm, hours: Sat & Sun 11-4 pm,
  • there is a limit to what we can imagine or dream of,
  • soft machines appeared in the stray branch
  • extract from Chapman and Cowling’s foundational work “The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases,” The University Press (1953)
  • figure from Cyril Bibby’s classic “Simple Experiments in Biology,”  Heinemann (1961)
  • mathematics is the queen of the sciences

eponymous life (detail, click for full image), made with VEE, the visual evolution engine


26 thoughts on “selfies on parade

  1. Thank you for answering all of the questions I never knew i had about understanding science. Now I get it. But, really, I mean, I don’t. 🙂

    I so love the artwork and the whole interesting idea of this exhibition.
    This really moved me for some reason, Steve, I’m trying to figure out exactly why. But then the advice about the fridge, I found myself still nodding pensively while chuckling.

    That last paragraph. haha wow.

    • I don’t get it either, Vanessa: not science and not my life. The exhibition seems to be going well, a lot of people at the opening.

      My artwork in the show is not in this post, but it is a bit similar in concept, in that I wanted to convey my whole life in a selfie sequence.

      I’m glad that the words struck a chord with you, for whatever reason. I think that childhood sets the path for the rest of our lives, either through following or by reaction.

      Thank you. PS: I do have a theme for my life. This is the Shadows version—

    • Congratulations Steve! I am so very happy for you that the exhibition is going well. When I think of my whole life in selfies, it makes me laugh out loud. I am so intrigued by your idea, and the complexity of it. (And yeesh, those teenage years bahaha.) To say I admire your creativity is an understatement. And that is an understatement.

      Oh that haunting music…I haven’t heard it in years. Strikes an immediate sentimental chord. And if this is your life sleep walking, I have to say you are mighty productive in sleep.
      But speaking philosophically, I need more caffeine first 😀

    • I can’t believe I have fallen so far behind with WordPress, and yet I do. Thank you, Vanessa and I appreciate your nested understatements. As far as my whole life is concerned, I may have left a few unimportant details out.

      “Sleepwalk” is definitely me: it always feels like I have no idea what is going on while everyone else does. I keep hoping someone will tell me, and I will say, “Oh, now I understand.” But while I wait, as you say, caffeine.

    • You have understandably been a tad busy. 🙂

      Oh dear, that is very relatable. In fact, I did a silly post about that quite a while ago which I think I have since taken off my blog. I try to see the positives…like when I watch certain sport with my husband on tv…I have no idea what is going on most of the time, and we have agreed that I would make a much more entertaining commentator lol. But that is a little myopic perhaps, as we would probably be the only ones laughing…or, maybe just I.
      I think a line from the brilliant “the Princess Bride” suits me nicely, when a few of them were on the boat, and Vezzini, being the captain, yells, “Move the thing. And that other thing.”

    • Thank you, Sobhana. I tried to write a kind of self-reflective collage: maths and science have always been a major part of my story and I suspect that makes it a bit “unusual,” let’s say. 😸

  2. Oh, so wish I could be there! Visiting my son in Philly in the middle of a drug neighborhood. Some sad and scary person outside screaming while I read your wonderful words. I am teetering between 2 realities…

    • Quite a contrast. I find that sort of ambience can be so depressing. You need to escape somehow, and yeah, drug free is best, although I shouldn’t really talk. 🍷 Thank you, Clarissa.

  3. I wonder if there really is a place beyond the end of one’s imagination and before the beginning of the incomprehensible. For me, it’s like trying to imagine infinity…

    • Yes, infinity. I think it has to be there, but maybe … it’s just something to strive for. To me, that is what the sun is, which is connected to my artwork in the Selfie Show: Disintegrations of Icarus (not shown here).

    • Thank you, Nikita. Practical advice is always useful. Glad you enjoyed the artwork.

      I am so far behind with WordPress, the exhibition closed two days ago and now I am catching up. Forty or so artists participated, and it was a great opportunity to meet and discuss, and share ideas. Thanks again.

  4. Beyond the end of my imagination is brilliantly thought provoking to the end of one’s thoughts. What then?

    • Thank you, Margaret. The end of imagination—it’s an idea I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Some people say that nothing is truly original or new, “nothing new under the sun,” and so on. We can’t imagine what can’t be imagined, but with time, for humanity as a whole, the boundary moves, sometimes incrementally and sometimes in a big jump.

      Personally, I think dreams, trying to see things with an open, childlike mind, and even computers, can help.

  5. ….a change of pace, Steve, I particularly like the last two…poetry out of science and mathematics…it’s there to be found!

    • Thank you, Jim. The last two are the new ones, and I must admit that coding and maths have been taking up quite a bit of my time lately. I do it out of love. At least I tell myself that.

    • Thank you, Abhisek. A summary of my life, and it has certainly felt like alternate realities at times.

      BTW, I’ve been finding it difficult to give much time to WordPress: I’ve cut back to posting every fortnight but unfortunately even that is a struggle at present.

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